Thursday, February 01, 2007

As Promised.

Here are some stellar pics from snowboard adventure.

This is typically what I looked like for most of the trip.

This is a veiw from DRAGONDOLA! (I feel it always needs to be put in caps, it's called DRAGONDOLA for crying out loud).

This is cute little lake tucked away between the mountains that we saw from DRAGONDOLA! I thought it would be great if we saw a mermaid pop up. My friends reminded me that mermaids live in warm, salt water. If there were a mermaid in that lake she would be floating and dead. and no one wants a dead mermaid. I agreed.

Hey i'm standing...for a second. I think i'm actually in the process of falling in this pic.

Ahhh...Mt. Naeba never looked so good.

This is my friend Garrett, he planned the trip. He pretty much rocks.

On the lift. I felt like such a pro.


Blogger Ashlee said...

that was a totally sweet post molly. can we go boarding sometime and like hang out? sweet. later.


7:34 AM  
Blogger court said...

my favorite is the picture where you are either barely standing or almost falling. hang loose. wait, that's surfing. anyway....

12:48 PM  

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