Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The ol' Red, White and Blue

That's right, as promised i'm back with my second installment of my tour de America.

One of the best things I got to do while home was visit my UB (upward bound) students! It was so wonderful to see them, and see how much they have grown up! It was so crazy walking back into the dorm like nothing had ever changed. I set my stuff on the front desk and looked around as everything hussled and bussled as it usually does in the dorm during the summer. It was also really nice to have kids scream, hug and generally freak out about me being there. I really do miss those kids a lot. It was nice to see so many of them back and always sad to hear how some students aren't in the program anymore. I got to eat in the caf, play some mini golf, go to the movies (ocean's 13 baby!) and even attend the UB dance while I was there. It was nice to see the program had not fallen apart in my absence....haha not that I had assumed it would or that I in anyway had that effect on things.haha. It was also great to see the staff and chill out after hours like good ol' times eating dominoe's pizza!! Overall, a real highlight in my trip home.

I also spent lots of time with the family! Which was exactly what I wanted to do. We went fishing on this absolutely perfect evening. The lake was this surreal still and the sky was crystal clear and there was even a loon cooing somewhere nearby. I caught some bass and bullheads succeeded in keeping daisy calm in the boat.haha.

My mother and I also went on this fabulous bike ride in a town called Lanesboro. We'll it was fabulous for a while. We rented a double recumbant bike and headed out on a glorious morning down a path by a river that would eventually lead to a town called ...well...who knows....that doesn't seem so important. What is important about that town was that once you got there they had homemade famous pie. It kept us motivated. On on our journey there we saw a mother deer and two fawns, just precious. We then made it to the pie and sandwiches by about 11:30 or so. Rhubard custard pie is to die for, trust me.

No more than 10 minutes had past when I heard a firecracker explode right by my head! i was like woah, let's get outta here! It turns out my tire had just popped, easy mistake.haha. Luckily we had a spare, so in no time we were back out there. 5 minutes later, that's right folks, more fireworks. This time no spare. This could only happen to me and my mom. So there we are 5 miles away from where we started with a bike that is goin' no where too fast. We start our walk back while copias ammounts of bikers stop and try to remedy our problem. They all seem concerned, but can ultimately do nothing.haha. So i call the rental place to tell them the situation...they say they are too busy to come give us a new tire. wtf. I was pretty outraged, but we then happened to get passed by someone driving our same type of bike...they gave us the spare. we were back on the road and done with people giving us those looks of pity!haha. All and all an AWESOME day and a pretty good bike ride.

If you know me at all then you know above all, i'm a gambler.haha. It would have not have been a trip home without spending at least one night at the casino. My mother and I decided to start off with bingo. Bingo is crazy now, you don't play with blotters, just these machine's that do everything for you. I personally think it takes all the good out of bingo.haha. However, we ended up WINNING!!! you NEVER win bingo! We won 125$ and 125$ in pull tabs. Then after that, feeling good to have some more gamblin' money in my pocket...i sit down at a 5 cent machine. After spending about $15, I figured nothing would happen, then when I wasn't even looking, I got 5 pinapples and won $ 187.00.

sorry this is sooooo late. I wrote it a while ago, but forgot to publish it, my bad. ;)


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